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Home > Recorriendo Ecuador > GALAPAGOS > Flora >
Flora - Galápagos

On the larger Galápagos Islands, four ecological zones have been defined: coastal, low or dry, transitional and humid. In the first, species such as myrtle, mangrove and saltbush can be found. In the second grow cactus, the incense tree, carob tree, poison apple tree, chala and yellow cordia, among other. In the transitional zone we can see taller trees, epiphytes and perennial herbs. The best known varieties are the cat's claw, espuela de gallo. In the humid sector are the cogojo, Galápagos guava, cat's claw, Galápagos coffee, passionflower and some types of moss, ferns and fungus.

Other species are ferns, orchids, the incense tree, cactus and mangrove. Around 900 kinds of plants have been identified, of which about 200 are endemic to the archipelago.


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