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Home > Recorriendo Ecuador > GALAPAGOS > Research Station >
Research Station - Galápagos

In Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, Ecuadorian and foreign scientists work constantly on research and projects for the conservation of reptiles, birds and plants. The Charles Darwin Research Station, founded in 1959, has a Natural History Interpretation Centre and carries out educational projects in support of the Galapagos National Park Service.

The Park has the following development programmes: conservation of natural resources, management of flora and fauna, sustainable use of resources. Others are related to environmental education, marine resources, agricultural development, monitoring and vigilance. Their aim is to conserve this natural habitat and allow tourists to appreciate all these unique species.
Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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