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Islands - Galápagos

San Cristóbal
This is the most easterly island in the archipelago and one of the oldest in this insular geological formation. It has lovely white coral and shell beaches. In its blue waters a large number of the marvellous species which inhabit the archipelago can be discovered. Among them large colourful birds and sea lions can be spotted.

Another place frequented by tourists is the area where the famous giant turtles known as Galapagos live. It has impressive sights such as el Junco, a fresh water lake in the crater of a volcano, the León Dormido, the Isla Lobos and the Cerro Tijeretas, which lie near Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, the provincial capital, where there is also an Interpretation Centre.

There are animals which are unique to the island, such as a species of mockingbird, and the lava lizard; there are also unique plants such as the Calandrina Galapagosa and the Leococarpus Darwinii. You can also do two sports, diving and fishing. This island, famous for its tides, has an area of 430 sq. km.

The settlers on San Cristóbal have developed agriculture. The history of the island is told by its inhabitants with mystery and emotion: "Manuel J.Cobos, a cruel and despotic man, founded a sugar refinery more than a century ago. He took the produce to sell in Guayaquil. In 1904, the workers who were tired of the abuse from their master, revolted and killed him".

Santa Cruz
Situated in the centre of the archipelago, it is the second largest island after Isabela. Its capital is Puerto Ayora, the most populated urban centre in the Galapagos Islands. On Santa Cruz there are some small villages, whose inhabitants work in agriculture and cattle raising. This island is a large dormant volcano. It is estimated that there were eruptions around a million and a half years ago.

As a testimony to its volcanic history there are two big holes formed by the collapse of a magma chamber: Media Luna and Los Gemelos.

Santa Cruz, with its exuberant vegetation, beautiful landscapes and varied climate, has unique species of flora and fauna; giant turtles in the Chato and la Caseta region, Scalecia Wood, giant cacti and a variety of leafy trees and edible fruit. Puerto Ayora can be reached by air or by sea from the mainland. Here you can find the Charles Darwin Research Station. It has a centre for breeding Galapagos turtles and an Interpretation Centre, where you can see a synopsis of the conservation work being carried out by the institution, which is working to protect the ecosystem of the Galápagos National Park.

There are many attractions near the town, such as Tortuga Bay, a fascinating, deserted, white sandy beach about a kilometer long. You can also visit Lonely George, the only turtle of its species left. The lava tunnels and craters are evidence of the origin of the islands. Its area is 986 sq. km.

Santa María o Floreana
Floreana is the setting of fantastic legends and stories such as the tragedy of Baroness Wagner and her three lovers. It also offers lovely, unique sights like Playa Negra, with its lava sand; Flamingo Lake; Punta Cormorán and the Pirates' Caves, the main refuge of pirates in bygone days. It is still possible to find traces of these intrepid adventurers. You can also visit an original Post Office with an old barrel dating from the XIX century, where travellers posted their letters. There are also diving spots like the Corona del Diablo, a semi-submerged volcanic cone. Its area is 173 sq. km. and the maximum altitude is 550 m.

This is the largest island in the archipelago, with an area of 4,588 sq. km, 60% of the total area of Galápagos. It is made up of a chain of six volcanoes, five of them active, each of which has its own species of giant turtle. Puerto Villamil, with it little white-coral streets, can be found on this large island.

One of the main attractions is the Negra Sierra volcano, whose crater has a diameter of ten thousand meters - one of the biggest on the planet. Around it are small active craters and in the centre a large colony of Galápagos turtles. Is also has a breeding centre for giant turtles managed by the Galápagos National Park.

There are also herds of horses and wild cattle. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful virgin beaches inhabited by the animal species which have made the archipelago famous.

This island is known as Bird Island, because of the large and varied bird colonies which nest here. There are an abundance of frigate birds and it is the best place to see red-footed boobies, masked boobies, swallow-tailed gulls, storm petrels, tropical birds, finches and mocking birds. Genovesa is shaped like a horse-shoe. It was an immense volcano whose wall collapsed, forming the Great Darwin Bay, surrounded by cliffs.

The smallest marine iguana in the archipelago lives here. Lake Arcturus, filled with salt water, lies in the centre. The area of the island is 14 sq. km. and its maximum altitude is 76m.

The mating dances of the blue-footed booby and the albatross seduce visitors on Española Island. It is located in the extreme southeast of the archipelago and considered, along with Santa Fe, one of the oldest at approximately four million years. There are two main spots to visit: Bahia Garner, which has a lovely beach; and Punta Suarez, of interest because of the varied bird-life which lives there. This island has its own species of animals, such as the Española mockingbird, which has a longer and more curved beak than the one on the central islands; the lava lizard, the marine iguana, which has red markings on its back; among others. Here there are also boobies, swallow-tailed gulls and tropical birds.

A wonderful sight is the "Hueco Soplador" where water shoots out, reaching heights of up to 20 m. depending on the tide. The island has an area of 60 sq. km.

Bahia Sullivan, Caleta Bucanero, Playa Espumilla and Puerto Egas are some of the beautiful destinations offered by Santiago Island. You can go for long walks along paths of solidified lava. This island is a good spot for diving enthusiasts. Animal species like fur seals and sea lions live in this zone. It is the fourth largest island and has volcanoes and temporary lakes, an arid coast and green mountains. It covers an area of 585 sq. km.

The Plaza Islands are situated to the north of Santa Cruz Island. They are inhabited by some of the most representative species of the Galapagos. Frigate birds and gulls nest in the cliffs. A large colony of sea lions and land iguanas live in the east of Plaza Sur in the middle of a big cactus wood. The islands are volcanic areas of around 70,000 sq. m. each.

This is a recently formed island and considered one of the youngest in the archipelago. It lies to the west and is separated from Isabela by the Bolivar Channel. Over the last 20 years it has erupted a number of times and thus has wide fields of lava and little vegetation. In Punta Espinosa you can see penguins, flightless cormorants, sea lions, turtles and additionally a large colony of iguanas nest here. It has an area of 642 sq. km.

Seymour Norte
On this beautiful island, situated to the north of Baltra, there are colonies of frigate birds, sea lions and blue-footed boobies. Here too there are dwarf cacti.

It has an area of 1.9 sq. km., covered with a diversity of palm trees. Delicious traditional dishes, based on all kinds of seafood, are offered here.

Santa Fé
This small island of 24 sq. km. lies in the centre of the archipelago, to the south west of Santa Cruz. Geologically it is one of the oldest, since rocks of about 4 millions years old have been found. It has a beautiful white-sand beach, full of sea lions, and you can see giant cactus woods, Galapagos hawks and iguanas.

This island can be reached by air, between Galápagos and the mainland. Access to Santa Cruz Island is across the Itabaca channel. It has an area of 27 sq. km.

This small island has an striking volcanic cone which can be climbed. From the top vast, unequalled marine landscapes can be seen.

Visitors can enjoy themselves diving and swimming in the crystal clear water. The island has two beaches, with brown, yellow and greenish sand, made up of volcanic material. It is one of the most visited places in the Galapagos.

Other important islands are: Marchena (130 sq. km.), Pinta (59 sq. km.), Pinzón (18 sq. km.) and Rábida (5 sq. km.). Among the main smaller islands are La Tortuga, Crosman Island, Gowly, Cadawel, Gardner, Watson, Daphne, Culpepper, Wenman

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