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Reserves - Pacific Coast

Machalilla National Park
With its peaceful, virgin white beaches, dry, semi-humid and rain forests and the Isla de la Plata, home to some species endemic to the Galapagos, Machalilla National Park is visited throughout the year by thousands of tourists, mainly from June to October, when humpbacked whales arrive from the Antarctic to mate in this beautiful place. Its pleasant tropical climate has an average temperature of 24 degrees centigrade. In the surrounding area are small, picturesque fishing villages where they specialize in traditional cuisine. This reserve, which has an area of 55,000 ha., is situated 80 km. south of the city of Portoviejo, in the province of Manabi, and also houses sites of archaeological interest with remains of the Machalilla culture. Another of its attractions is Salango Island where endangered species, such as the anteater, live.

Cayapas - Mataje Ecological Reserve
Located in the north of the province of Esmeraldas, and covering an area of 51,300 ha, the Cayapas-Mataje Ecological Reserve is one of the most exotic in the country. It lies next to the village of San Lorenzo, 18 km. from the Colombian border. This beautiful and exuberant land is characterized by the Majagual Forest, where the highest mangrove swamps in the world lie, their roots weaving impressively over marshlands and seawater. Very near it is La Tolita Island, an ancient ceremonial temple which offers countless traces of pre-Columbian civilisation.

Mache - Chindual Ecological Reserve
Containing one of the last remnants of tropical rainforest, the Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve, with an area of 70,000 ha., crosses the provinces of Esmeraldas and Manabi. Traces of ancient cultures such as the Chorrera can be found in this area, where the temperature is around 23 degrees centigrade.

Besides its rich biodiversity, the area takes in the ethnic groups of the Chachi and Afro-Ecuadorians. Outstanding among the fauna are the howler monkey, the jaguar, the wildcat, the ocelot and others. Lake Canclón has a large variety of birds. Other attractions for visitors are waterfalls and natural pools. The Reserve can be reached from the towns of Esmeraldas, Atacames, Muisne and Perdernales.

Manglares - Churute Ecological Reserve
The Manglares-Churute Ecological Reserve is located on the east side of the mouth of the River Guayas, 46km. from Guayaquil. Access is from the Machala road. It is a protected area of mangrove swamp with an abundance of birds and aquatic species. Most notable among the animals are the brown pelicans, howler monkeys, sloths, boas and egrets.

Other attractions for tourists include the hilly landscapes with altitudes of between 10 and 700 m. There are also marine remains and there will soon be an Information Centre. The average temperature is around 25 degrees centigrade and the area is approximately 50,000 ha.

Puyango Petrified Forest
The oldest forest in South America lies 110 km. from Machala, in the province of El Oro. It covers an area of 2,659 ha. It contains a large number of trees, vegetation and animal fossils which lie in a little valley. The fossils date from pre-historic times and form one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. For visitors it is an adventure to go deep into these legendary tropical lands.

Santa Clara Island Wildlife Refuge
Santa Clara Island lies 43 km. from Puerto Bolívar, at the entrance to the Gulf of Guayaquil. Its main attraction is that it is the largest sanctuary for marine birds in Ecuador. Blue-footed boobies, brown pelicans and frigate birds are the principal creatures of the air nesting on the island.

Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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