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Home > Recorriendo Ecuador > ANDES > Villages >
Villages - Andes

Baños de Cuenca
8km from Cuenca lies Baños, with its hot springs coming from a natural fault. The waters emerge at temperatures of over 70 degrees centigrade and cool off to 35-40 degrees. Visitors are attracted by their medicinal properties. This unusual village has a striking topography.

Going south, the Vilcabamba valley, 42km south-west of Loja, is famous for the longevity of its inhabitants. It has been proved that the local people have a longer lifespan than the rest of the world. Many reach over 100. This longevity is attributed to the stability of the climate and the purity of the water coming from mountain springs, among other reasons. Thousands of tourists come here in search of eternal youth.

Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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