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Cities - Andes

Quito is one of the most import historic cities in the Americas and has been declared World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The city lies at an altitude of 2850 m. alongside the 4,794 m. Pichincha volcano. Amongst the beauty of the city's renaissance, classical and baroque architecture lie its churches and convents built in the colonial era. The Metropolitana Cathedral, located in front of the Plaza de Independencia, is one of the most significant churches in the city, as are San Francisco, la Compania de Jesús, San Agustín, Santo Domingo, El Sagrado, La Merced, Carmen Bajo, San Sebastián, Santa Bárbara and San Blas. Large portions of their interiors are bathed in gold leaf and house innumerable works of religious art. Museums exhibit valuable collections of paintings and sculptures from the Quito School. The Palacio de Carondelet is another important construction and home to the head of government. The old heart of Quito, with its long, steep stone streets, demonstrates the Spanish infuence over the area with its maroon roofs, balconies on its facades, wide columns and central patios. In addition, the Ecuadorian capital is a modern metropolis offering an excellent hotel infrastructure including the most important international chains. It has countless restaurants offering national and international cuisine, shopping centres, theatres and convention centers. The ¨Fiestas de Quito" are celebrated each year during the month of December. They include bullfights, the election of the city queen, concerts, of national and international music, traditional dances and fireworks, etc.. The city was founded on the 6th of December, 1534 by Sebastián Benalcázar.

Riobamba, the former capital of Ecuador, is also known as the Sultan of the Andes. The city sits surrounded by impressive snow-capped peaks such as Chimborazo (6,310 m.). The old heart of the city shelters colonial constructions between its narrow paved streets. The most popular tourist destinations include: the educational Natural Science Museum of the Maldonado School, the religious art museum of the Convent of the Concepción, the Central Bank Museum, San Antonio Church, the Basilica and La Merced. Pedro Vicente Maldonado Park is another popular destination for tourists.

Surrounded by exuberant vegetation, Baños de Agua Santa constitutes one of the entrances to the Amazon region. Expeditions depart from Baños for Puyo, Misahualí, the waterfalls of Agoyán and Ines María, as well as towards the summits of Tungurahua and Alter. The giant waterfall "El Pailón del Diablo" is also a popular destination. The area is surrounded by intense eco-tourism including adventure sports like kayaking, hiking and mountain biking. The Sanctuary of the Virgen de Agua is visited by thousands of pilgrims. Hot thermal springs are another popular attraction.

Ambato, two hours from Quito, is the capital of Tungurahua province and known as the Land of Flowers and Fruit. The city has intense commercial activity. There are bullfights and various traditional shows during carnival celebrations. Handicrafts such as leather garments are important products. The Juan Montalvo and the Bolivar School museums offer archaeological and natural science displays. The Casa de Montalvo has an ethnographic exhibition. Noteworthy among its churches are La Catedral, San Francisco, Santo Domingo, La Merced, the Medalla Milagrosa and Padres Josefinos

Tulcán is the capital of Carchi province. The city cemetary is a popular attraction because of its cypress sculptures, a tradition since the 1940´s. Other tourist favorites include the Casa de la Cultura and the Archaeological Museum of the Bolivar School, which cares for the remains of the Carchi culture. Nearby locations like the Chapúes summit possess traces of pre-Columbian culture. Tres Chorros is a hot spring spa located one kilometer from the city. Las Canoas is located three kilometers down the road towards Tufiño and is an ideal spot for boat and horse trips.

Ibarra is one of the most visited cities in Ecuador. It is known as the White City, adorned with paved streets and colonial houses. At its heart it boasts single-floored, white-painted buildings that surround Moncayo and La Merced parks. Art expositions are displayed in the Universidad Católica and Universidad del Norte, as well as in the Casa de la Cultura and the School of Architecture. There are also museums with archeological, numismatic, mineral, philatelic and paleontological displays, among others. Around Ibarra and all Imbabura province there are beautiful modern and old hotels that lodge visitors and help guide them to the most interesting corners in this part of the country.

Flanked by mountains and surrounded by four rivers, with architecture dating from the eighteenth century, Cuenca has been declared World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The historical zone includes Calderon Park, colonial districts, religious art museums, public buildings and churches. Examples of churches are the Cathedral, Santo Domingo, San Sebastian and San Blas, among others. Every two years the city becomes a meeting place for artists from all over the world during the Bienal Internacional de Pintura Festibal. The main museums are the Banco Central, the Casa de la Cultura, the Conceptas, the Remigio Crespo Toral, the Artes Populares de America, the Arte Moderno and the Instituto Azuayo de Folklore. The well–known handicrafts of the region are sold in this city.

Latacunga, a city built up with colonial architecture, is the capital of Cotopaxi province. Its name comes from the words "llacta kunka" which mean God of the Lakes. Its attractions include the Municipal building, with its pumice façade, and Ignacio Flores park, that boasts an artificial lagoon. Its design, with paved streets and small houses, is attractive to tourists.

Loja, the provincial capital, is a beautiful Austro city. Its historical centre conserves colonial style architecture. Churches like the Cathedral, San Francisco, San Agustin, Santo Domingo, San Sebastian and Fátima are all imposing structures externally, as well as containing a wealth of religious art inside. Other places of interest for visitors are Jiripo Recreational Park, the University Botanical Garden and the Conceptas Monastery.

Azogues, with its traditional old houses with carved wooden balconies, is the capital of the province of Azogues. In contrast, the Cathedral, in the main square, has a beautiful stone façade. Up on the hillside, another major church, San Francisco de Azogues, is the sanctuary where the faithful worship the Virgin of the Cloud. Every Saturday there is a street market where local villagers come to sell their produce, which includes several types of handicrafts.

The Saraguro community lives in a lovely, small village 64 km north of Loja. Surrounded by green scenery, it is considered one of America's major indigenous centres. One of the many customs and traditions of its inhabitants is the eternal black mourning dress worn in tribute to the Inca Atahualpa.

At the top of a pretty hill, the Sanctuary of the Grotto of the Virgin del Rocío stands out above Biblián. Every year on 8th September this small town, located 7 km from Azogues, holds a festival in honour of its Virgin, patron of the provinces of Azuay and Cañar. Other nearby attractions are Fátima and San Luis beaches, on the banks of the river Burgay. All around, visitors can go on peaceful excursions and enjoy the Austro scenery.

Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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