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Lakes - Andes

San Pablo
Lake San Pablo offers one of the best options available for sailing, wind surfing and other water sports. It is located next to the town of San Pablo at the foot of Imbabura (4,560 m.). The lake extends among indigenous communities and bullrush vegetation. Old haciendas and modern hotels offering entertainment, relaxation and delicious cuisine are all found in the surrounding area. The lake is located in Imbabura province approximately one and half hours to the north of Quito. Its altitude tops 2,500m.

Three Mojanda lakes: Caricocha, Huarmicocha and Yanacocha, all lie surrounded by the mountains, scrublands and the beautiful countryside of the paramo. They sit at an altitude of 3,716 m. and offer an ideal enviromment for hiking, camping and trout fishing. Together with other lakes in the area, they constitute an important point of interest for travellers. They are located to the south of Otavalo in Imbabura province.

Lake Cuicocha is buried deep in the heart of one crater of Cotacachi volcano, located in the Cotacachi– Cayapas Ecological Reserve. Two small islands in the center of the lake harbor rich flora and fauna. The site is home to several centenarian indigenous festivals honoring the sun, celebrated by locals of the area. The lake is located 10 minutes from the town of Cotacachi in Imbabura province.

Yahuarcocha, or the Lake of Blood, is an important historical site where a harsh battle was fought between the Caranquis and the Incas. Legend has it that thousands of bodies were thrown into the lake, changing the color of the water to red. Nowadays, it is surrounded by an auto racetrack where national and international competitions are held.

Lake Cuicocha is buried deep in the heart of one crater of Cotacachi volcano, located in the Cotacachi– Cayapas Ecological Reserve. Two small islands in the center of the lake harbor rich flora and fauna. The site is home to several centenarian indigenous festivals honoring the sun, celebrated by locals of the area. The lake is located 10 minutes from the town of Cotacachi in Imbabura province.

Ozogoche, with its lakes, lies in Alausí canton, Chimborazo province, 117 km. from Riobamba. The area is home to 45 lakes, most notable of which is the 6 km. long and 2 km. wide Cubillín. Scrublands rise up around the area and are home to the spectacled bear and endangered deer. Trout inhabit the lakes' waters while Andean gulls carve through the skies above.

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