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Mountains - Andes

Cotopaxi is considered to be the highest active volcano in the world, as well as one of the most beautiful peaks in existence. It is the destination most frequented by avid mountaineers who visit the country. The view from its crater is unforgetable. Access is easy. It is possible to reach an altitude of 4,600 m. with just three hours travel time from Quito. The snow -capped peak has a refuge at 4,800m. ideal for overnight stays.

Ecuador is home to the mountain which was long considered to be the highest on earth: Chimborazo, a giant at 6,310 m., is located in the province of the same name. The mountain is volcanic in origin and permanently covered by glaciers and snow. It is made up of 5 peaks erected over flanks of rock on an extensive Andean paramo. Travellers can cross on foot or horseback to visit the Hieleros of Chimborazo, populations of vicuñas and discover the flora and fauna of the area. There is a refuge at 4,000 m. in the valley of Totorillas, where travellers can rest, eat and acclimatize before continuing on their adventure.

Altar, with its numerous pointed peaks, rises to the east of Riobamba on the eastern range. The mountain is volcanic in origin and its base is settled over the crystaline foundation of the range. It is said that in ancient times Altar was once higher than Chimborazo and that volcanic activity destroyed the original crater. The peaks of Altar form a semicircle running from north to east and east to south, with a break in the western side. The highest of the peaks is El Obispo (The Bishop), 5,404 m. at its highest point.

Cayambe rises to the west of the river basin of Guayllabamba, approximately one hour from Quito. It is the third highest elevation in Ecuador, 5,790 m. in altitude, and sits on the equator. Like other extinct volcanos, its steep truncated cone lies over a wide base formed by a volcanic massif of pliocene origin. Cayambe means "great mountain of the boys". Lake San Marcos lies on its northern flank with rich, trout-filled waters, ideal for fishing.

Carihuayrazo volcano is located to the north of Chimborazo in the province of the same name. It has three peaks and is geologically structured of andesitico magma situated over a Pliocene base. The volcano has a 2 km. crater fractured by glacial erosion. Among its summits is Mocha peak which is difficult to get to. Another peak at its center descends into the Abraspungo valley. The third peak, to the northeast, is the highest at 5,020 m. and remains permanently covered in ice and snow.

The volcanic massif of Pichincha is located in the western range. It is composed of various mountains and minor isolated elevations. The capital city of Ecuador, Quito, sits in the long fractured valley on the eastern side of the massif. The following elevations run from north to south along the massif: Guagua Pichincha (4,794 m.), Padre Encantado (4,500 m.) and Ladrillos mountain (4,600 m.), which unites the last two mountains with the foothills of Rucu Pichincha (4,698 m.). A buttress to the northeast drops down and ends in the rocky peak Quebrada de los Condors at 4,090 m. There are a variety of excursions possible in the area.

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