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Reserves - Andes

Cayambe - Coca Ecological Reserve
The Cayambe Coca Ecological Reserve covers more than 400,000 ha. between Pichincha, Imbabura and Sucumbíos provinces. The snow-capped Cayambe peak (5,790 m.) is the park's central attraction and suitable for moun-taineering. Several endangered species dwell in this protected area among its forests, lakes and waterfalls. The hot thermal springs of Papallacta lie at the beginning of the reserve and are much visited, especially at weekends. Access to the area is possible from either the Panamericana Norte or Interocéanica highways.

Cotacachi - Cayapas Ecological Reserve
One access to the Cotacachi-Cayapas Reserve is located 12 km. from the town of Cotacachi in Imbabura province. Another entrance to the reserve is located on the road heading towards Borbon in Esmeraldas province. The area´s 205,000 ha. shelter tropical forests, lakes and rivers such as the Cayapas, Santiago and Esmeraldas. The reserve has a variety of zones and boasts scrublands, pastures, ferns, epiphytes, lianas, romerillos, cedars and alders among others. The area is situated between Imbabura and Esmeraldas provinces. Its altitude starts at 100 m. and reaches up to 4,500 m. The climate is also varied with temperatures of the paramo, tropical forests and swamps. One of the reserve's most popular attractions is Lake Cuicocha (3,068 m.). Boat tours around the lake's two small islands offer tourists the opportunity to closely examine the area's flora and fauna, where colonies of birds nest.

El Angel Ecological Reserve
Beautiful El Angel Ecological Reserve is located just minutes from the town of El Angel in Carchi province. The reserve's temperature ranges between 6 and 12 degrees centigrade. It offers the flora and fauna of the paramo such as its vast garden of giant espeletias and wild ducks. The area boasts lakes and forests of polilepys. It is also noted for sheltering various mammals including deer, rabbits and the paramo wolf. The reserve extends over 15,715 ha.

Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve
Chimborazo Wildlife Reserve covers an area of 58,560 ha. between Chimborazo, Bolìvar and Tungurhua provinces. The Chimborazo volcano is the area's main attraction and suitable for mountain climbers who have trained guides. Carihuairazo is another notable peak in the area. The main objective of the reserve is the preservation of endemic Andean species such as the vicuña, llama and alpaca. The park is located 163 km. to the south of Quito.

Illinizas Ecological Reserve
Illiniza Ecological Reserve, situated between Pichincha and Cotopaxi Provinces, possesses an important variety of endemic fauna and flora. Trees and plants such as polilepys, myrtle, puamamaquis, romerillos, coffee and sugarcane all grow in this area inhabited by foxes, guantas, pumas and ocelots, among others.

Visitors can enjoy the beauty of sights like Quilotoa and, of course, the majesty of the North and South Illiniza peaks, 5,116 m. and 5,263 m., respectively. North Illiniza offers snowfields while South Illiniza boasts impressive glaciers. Mountain climbing and mountain biking are popular sports in the area.

Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve
Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve is located 23 km. from Quito, northwest of San Antonio. The majority of the reserve consists of an extinct volcano composed of a crater, alluvial and colluvial dome, as well as lacustrine plants. The Pululahua community cultivates the lands in the crater, one of two such inhabited craters in the world. It is calculated that human settlements have existed in the area since the pre-Columbian era. The areas natural setting is unequalled.

Antisana Ecological Reserve
Antisana Ecological Reserve extends over 120,000 ha. between Pichincha and Napo provinces. The reserve's main attraction is the Antisana volcano with its altitude of 5,758 m.. The area's altitudes vary and temperatures fluctuate between 3 and 17 degrees centigrade. Scientific research is a primary motivation for visitors to the park. The reserve is covered in the flora of the paramo.

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