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Community Tourism - Amazon Region
Community Turism

Ecuador is a leader in community participation tourism. In the Amazon region alone there are over 40 projects which serve as an example in America. In the province of Napo, in Tena and Archidona cantons, various community tourism projects have been developed. One of them is Ricancie, whose attractions are based around the cultural wealth of the Amazon Quichua people and the exuberance of the tropical rainforest. One can go for walks with native guides, get to know the culture, do some adventure tourism, or learn about health or shamanism. In the same province, the Unión Guacamayos network covers 11 communities and offers innumerable attractions. Among these communities are the Shamato and Sardinas ones, at the foot of Antisana Ecological Reserve.

They offer excursions through primary forest, to caves and waterfalls. In Santa Lucia one can take part in pottery and craft workshops. The Atacapón project, in the province of Pastaza has focussed on offering tourist packages to places near Puyo. Some of the main activities are nature and adventure tourism. Visitors stay in family homes or tents and visit botanical gardens displaying the region's unique species. Kapawi is another project, located on the Pastaza river on the Peruvian border. Within the Achuar ethnic group's territory, travellers get to meet local families and can do various adventure activities, such as walks through the tropical rainforest, canoe trips, birdwatching, and observation of mammals, insects and reptiles. They can also taste delicious local dishes served wrapped in fresh leaves. Other local products include handicrafts, made from vegetable fibres and seeds from the jungle.
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