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Reserves - Amazon Region

Cuyabeno Fauna Breeding Reserve
Towards the north-east of Sucumbíos, Cuyabeno Fauna Breeding Reserve, stretches across a territory of 655,781ha., between the basins of the rivers San Miguel and Aguarico. It holds areas of tropical rainforest and huge lakes such as Zancudococha.

It is also home to various species of birds, some in danger of extinction, and a wide variety of fauna. The pink dolphin is particularly noteworthy. Cuyabeno, as it is called by the locals, is also the habitat of many reptiles. Nueva Loja is the point of departure. From there take the Nueva Loja-Tarapoa-Tipishca road or get a boat down the Aguarico river.

Limoncocha Biological Reserve
Limoncocha Biological Reserve, with an area of 4,600ha., lies in the canton of Sushufindi in Sucumbíos province. The park covers Limoncocha lake and other nearby areas. It contains vast stretches of jungle vegetation, primary and secondary forests and majestic rivers. Birdlife is one of the park´s main assets, with about 350 species, but there are also many reptiles and mammals. It is famous for being the habitat of the black cayman.

Access is from Nueva Loja, travelling down the river Napo from Francisco de Orellana.

Sangay National Park
Sangay National Park extends towards the Amazon plain from the heights of the Andes. Its territory of over 500,000 ha. crosses the provinces of Tungurahua, Chimborazo and Morona Santiago.

Its altitude ranges from 800 to 5,400m. above sea level, and thus the park is the habitat of a variety of animals such as the mountain tapir, spectacled bear and ocelot. Mountains like Sangay, El Altar and Tungurahua all lie within the reserve, and are major attractions. The temperature fluctuates between 6 and 24 degrees centigrade since the park contains a wide range of climates. One of the roads leading to these amazing lands is the one from Riobamba to Alao.

Yasuni National Park
With a total area of 544,730ha., Yasuni National Park covers the basins of the Yasuni, Nashino, Cononaco and Tiputini rivers in the province of Napo. It contains densely vegetated hills, timber trees and many species of birds. There are also flat areas with extensive marshes. Among the mammals inhabiting the park, the most noteworthy are jaguars, harpy eagles and crocodiles. The average temperature is approximately 30 degrees centigrade. Francisco de Orellana is the starting point for reaching the reserve. This town is reached passing through Papallacta, Baeza, Lumbaquí and Nueva Loja on the way. The main form of transport in the park is by river.

Sumaco - Napo Galeras National Park
This park, with an area of 205,249 ha., stretches across Napo and Orellana provinces. Around it there are important towns and villages like Tena, Archidona, Cosanga and Baeza. The altitude of the park ranges from 500 to 3,732m., which allows for beautiful geographical envi-ronments and climates which have won fame among scientists and visitors. The reserve has two nuclei: Sumaco with the heights of Sumaco volcano and the Negro and Pan de Azúcar hills; and Napo Galeras, whose flanks harbour an area rich in streams and springs.

For visitors there is a path crossing six levels of altitude leading up to Sumaco volcano. One of the access routes is the Quito-Baeza-Hollin-Loreto-Coca road.

Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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