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Official Site of the Hotel Federation of Ecuador. Hotel Guide classified by cities, locations, rates and categories. Service and facility descriptions, bookings, promotions and tourism information.
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Carnaval - Fiestas Tradicionales (3 - 4 Mar)
Las Fiestas de Carnaval en el Ecuador se celebran en todo el país, con desfiles, carros alegóricos llenos de flores, frutas y bellas mujeres, juegos, banquetes, bailes y diversiones en general, con mucha comida y mucha bebida, con el objeto de enfrentar la abstinencia de la cuaresma con el cuerpo bien fortalecido y preparado. Ambato y Guaranda, por sus característicos festejos, constituyen el centro de la atención...
Easter - Traditional Holidays (March, 18)
Easter Holiday is one of the most important events in the Christian world, commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In every corner of the Catholic world, this holiday takes on different expressions depending on tradition and local customs.
It begins with Palm Sunday with an original appearance that represents the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The faithful come to church carrying palms that will be blessed in the church....
Fiestas del Yamor - Otavalo
Las Fiestas del Yamor es la celebración costumbrista más grande que Otavalo celebra en el año y una de las más importantes del país. Se realiza los primeros días del mes de septiembre. Su origen refiere al ritual que ofrendaba el pueblo aborigen al Dios Sol por la cosecha del maíz, históricamente fusionado con la celebración religiosa de la Virgen de Monserrate ...
Top 10 reasons to travel Ecuador
Located on zero latitude, Ecuador is divided into four distinct regions, where four seasons can occur in a single day ..., discover this land from the eternal snow of the Andes, to the thick humid forests of the Amazon, to the green beaches along the Pacific Coast and the fascinating Galapagos Islands.
Touch the Sky of Quito by Cable Car
Ecuador's first cable car is in Quito, and is one of the major tourist attractions that national and foreign people should visit. It is located in Cruz Loma, on one side of the Pichincha volcano, with a majestic view of Quito city. The inclination is in a straight line over a distance of 2,500 m, based on the slopes of the Volcano Pichincha at the height of “La Gasca” to 2950 m altitude up to Cruz Loma, to 4,050 m....
Sede: Quito, América N38-80 y Diguja Teléfonos: (593 2) 244 3425 / 245 3942 / 099 764 0592 ahotec@interactive.net.ec
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